
Single-Source, Full-Service Payments Provider

EPS is the payments solution provider of the future. With a combination of innovative payments technology, leading industry expertise, and unrivaled customer service, we are the company to manage your payments needs today and into the future.

About EPS

EPS is a single-source, full-service payments service provider, offering a range of products - from ACH processing to payroll services - to meet the needs of banks, credit unions, and businesses. We’ve partnered with some of the most innovative companies in the industry to deliver state-of-the-art solutions that help our customers simplify payments processing, maximize profits, and increase customer satisfaction and retention. EPS is a provider your organization can rely on to not only support existing payments needs but manage and advance future payments needs and operations.


  • EPS is a full-service payments provider, offering customers one single source to manage an array of payments needs.

  • EPS is founded on experience. With a team of industry experts, backed by a proven record of industry service through EFX, EPS is equipped to provide the knowledge, counsel, and advice to position customers to effectively manage their payments processes.

  • EPS maintains a customer service team that is unmatched by current industry standards. With continuous support by professionals who know the complete ins and outs of our products and solutions, we excel at responding to and addressing customer inquiries and issues.

  • EPS doesn’t just provide products and services to our customers. As a full-service provider, implementation is a key component of our offerings. We can oversee all aspects of product implementation and maintenance from underwriting to certification.